Logicity Lite - RPT Viewer Features
RPT File Viewer for Crystal Reports

Upon installation, Logicity will register so as to be able to open RPT files directly by clicking on them. To run a Crystal Report file directly, simply double-click on the RPT file. Logicity Desktop will open, and the report will run. The user will be prompted to complete any required parameters or database login information.
Refresh Your Report Data

Logicity allows users to refresh the data in a Crystal Report from the source database. When the user clicks the refresh button in Logicity Desktop, it will prompt the user for any required parameters and then execute the RPT file. The resulting report is displayed, and can be exported, saved or e-mailed with current data.
Save & Export Crystal Reports

Logicity can be more than a simple RPT viewer. Logicity can automatically execute a Crystal Report and save the output to a shared directory on a local file or network file system. The output can be any format that SAP Crystal Reports can generate, including PDF, Word, Excel, HTML or any other format that Crystal Reports supports.
Email Reports to Anyone

Logicity can be used to schedule and automatically execute and email Crystal Reports to various recipients. You can attach your report in any format that Crystal Reports can export into, such as Excel, PDF, Word or HTML.
Schedule Crystal Reports Automatically

Logicity is also a Crystal Reports scheduler application which can be set-up on a desktop or server to schedule a Crystal Report to run automatically at regular intervals - hourly, daily, every week or every month. A Crystal Report scheduler can be used to automate the emailing of a Crystal Report to different users or to save separate report instances to a file system.
Save Report Instances for Archiving

Report Instances are a great way to view historical report snapshots and are incredibly easy to implement using Logicity. Schedule a Logicity Solution that saves your report, using whatever runtime variable matches the frequency with which you will be running the solution.
Saved Database Authentication

Logicity provides the ability to set the database username and password per report, thus eliminating the need for the user to enter this information at runtime.
Use Solution Builder to Execute Reports in Specific Ways

Users can set-up "solutions" (report runtime definition files) to specify the pre-defined actions to perform on specific reports. An unlimited number of reports can be defined in a single Solution, with any mix of supported actions you wish to use. Email, print, save and view!