Logicity Crystal Report Viewer & Scheduler - v1.6.0005 Released
SaberLogic is pleased to announce the availability of version 1.6.0005 of Logicity.
This release has the following enhancements:
- Support for 64-bit systems.
- Resolved issue where the Group Tree checkbox for viewer solutions was only hiding the group tree button instead of the button and the group tree itself.
- All of the latest Crystal Reports 2008 patches have been rolled into the installer.
- Workspace mode now defaults to a detail view instead of small icon.
- The file extension now updates as you change the type from the drop down on custom e-mail attachment file names.
Next Step? Download, Buy, or Upgrade Logicity!
Updated on 08/12/2016
About the Author

Eli J Remington
Eli is the web marketing director and a partner at SaberLogic, a professional services firm that provides custom development, programming services, integration consulting and technical support for Infor ERP VISUAL and Epicor ERP. SaberLogic also specializes in Crystal Reports development, custom programming and custom web development. Follow Eli on Google+ and Linkedin.