Text Spacing Differences Between Crystal Reports & Logicity
Question: We created a basic form letter but, for some reason, it adds strange spacing in the report when viewing with Logicity, but not when we view it directly in Crystal Reports. Any thoughts?
Dealing with Multiple Database Connections - Crystal Reports Viewer
I have created a Crystal Report that contains 3 subreports. Each one of the sub-reports accesses a different database server. The 3 sub-reports use the same user name and password to access the db server. When I set up the action to run the report with the 3 subreports, I get an error of "logon failed". Is the error a result of Logicity handling multiple databases? If so, how would I be able to approach this scenario with Logicity Pro and successfully run/ email this report?
How is Logicity Licensed with Virtual Servers and Workstations?
How do you sell Logicity Professional to an organization that wants to load the software on to a virtual host (server)? The server will be accessed by as many as 15 users at a time from virtual workstations. Do we need one user license or one for each possible user?
Disable Logicity Workspace Mode for Your Scheduled Reports
We recently had issues with our Logicity install. It was previously sending out emails of crystal reports (as PDFs and Excel files) without a problem but then it just stopped. If i tell it to 'Execute RRD' from the solution builder it now pops up another window called the 'Logicity Workspace' and has my RRD reports listed there and if I double click on one it brings the Crystal Report up for me. I previously remember clicking 'Execute RRD' and I'm pretty sure it would run the email actions. Any idea on what the problem is or what I can do?