Solving Compatibility Issues between Crystal Reports and Logicity
Logicity uses the native runtimes that come straight from SAP Crystal Reports, which means that sometimes issues arise when using Logicity and Crystal Reports on the same machine.
The Issue
We recently had a customer upgrade their Crystal Reports software from version 2008 to 2013. They received the following error when trying to run old RRD files.
Could NOT load the report.
Inner Exception: Error Application Server support Unable to load the crystal report file
They even tried to reinstall Logicity, but the problem didn't go away.
Frustrating, right!?
So what was the reason for this issue, and more importantly, what was the solution?
The Reason
The root problem occurs when the patch level of the SAP Crystal Reports and Logicity runtimes are not identical. If you've selected to install the runtimes during the Logicity installation, then you have two different versions that will sometimes "fight" with each other.
The Solution
The solution, in this case, was to uninstall both Crystal Reports and Logicity so that we are starting with a clean slate again.
Next, reinstall Crystal Reports. Once the installation has finished, verify that Crystal is now working properly. Good?
OK, now we can reinstall Logicity.
WAIT! We need to do something different this time.
During the beginning of the install process, be sure to UNCHECK the option to install runtimes. This way Logicity will use the same runtimes as Crystal and everyone will play nicely together.
If you have any other questions or comments about this topic, jump over to our user forum and participate in the discussion.
About the Author

Eli J Remington
Eli is the web marketing director and a partner at SaberLogic, a professional services firm that provides custom development, programming services, integration consulting and technical support for Infor ERP VISUAL and Epicor ERP. SaberLogic also specializes in Crystal Reports development, custom programming and custom web development. Follow Eli on Google+ and Linkedin.