OK, so the registry permission changes resolved the issue with the license/banner. There was no SaberLogic entry under HKLM\Software, so first we copied the reg settings from the installing user's hive into HKLM. That alone did not work, so Logicity must not reference HKLM. So, then we copied from the installing users hive to the service account hive, and then it worked.
That said, we still have the barcode font problem when trying running this action file as a non-interactive scheduled task. These reports use a bar code font (code39) that is installed and working fine when the reports are run via Solution Builder (or just run by double-clicking the action file). If the scheduled task option for "Run whether user is logged on or not" option is selected, the pop up dialogue is indeed supressed (even if the service user is logged in), but the resulting PDF file attachment is NOT printed on the generated PDF file attachment.
So, obviously, something is still being hindered when trying to run in that non-interactive mode. Can you advise? I can send you RRD and RPT files if needed.