TOPIC: Missing ParameterField Current Value

Missing ParameterField Current Value 17 Feb 2014 17:51 #1517

  • gboyle
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I have created a report with Crystal Reports XI which has a parameter for the Invoice Number.

When I try to run this report using Logicity Desktop I get an error 'Missing ParameterField Current Value - Please try again.

I can then click OK to this message, and then click cancel and then refresh the report it runs okay.

Can somebody please explain why this is happening and how I can resolve this.

Many thanks.

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Missing ParameterField Current Value 24 Mar 2014 17:50 #1546

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I had a client just report that they are getting this same error with Logicity version 1.7 and Crystal IX. I logged into their system and it is very repeatable.
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