Ok so it would appear I figured out what the issue was. Apparently, there has to be a param added to the generated RRD file statements which wasn't exactly specified in the documentation.
For example, I put in an account param here..
SaveReport[Generate RRD]=C:\Users\administrator.MH\Desktop\test2\test-report2.rpt?DiscardSavedData=True&dbserver=MHGCSQL1&dbdb=CMCompanyA&dbuser=cardman&dbpass=cardman&saveas=C:\Users\administrator.MH\Desktop\test2\C06329K.pdf&export=Adobe Acrobat (PDF)&pdfPassword=&SaveSupressIfNoRecords=True¶m[account]=123456&
..and then added an account param to the crystal report. Viola. I hope this helps someone else along the way!