TOPIC: How to pass multiple parms in VB script in Pro

How to pass multiple parms in VB script in Pro 15 May 2015 17:39 #1951

  • flowersrj
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My VB script below starts but stops for me to input paramter values despite me passing them. They are in the coorect order and the correct case. I even tried replacing the commas with ampersands between each of the 3 parameters. What am I doing wrong?

dim wshShell
Set wshShell = CreateObject ("")

prm_FromDate = DateSerial(DatePart("yyyy",DateAdd("m", -1, Date)),DatePart("m",DateAdd("m", -1, Date)),1)
prm_ThruDate = DateAdd("y",-(DatePart("d",date)),date)

call_logicity = """E:Program Files\Logicity\Logicity Desktop.exe"""
rrd_name = """F:\LogicityScheduled\CW-HCN\RRD\CW-Lost_Equipment_PreviousMonth.rrd"""

parms = """" & "WarehouseCode=0000" & ",FromDate=" & prm_FromDate & ",ThruDate=" & prm_ThruDate & """"

msgbox call_logicity + " " + rrd_name + " " + parms call_logicity + " " + rrd_name + " " + parms, 1, True

Thank, Rich
Last Edit: 15 May 2015 17:41 by flowersrj. Reason: fix
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