My apologies if this has been answered elsewhere. I did a lot of googling and searching through the site and the user's manual and couldn't find anything to confirm or deny this feature. When selecting 'HTML 4.0' as the export option for a Crystal Report, is there a template file somewhere that Logicity uses to build that report with, or is all the HTML integrated into the software itself and, therefore, uneditable by the user? What I am hoping to do is create/edit a template so the report is generated in an html file that matches the rest of the site it is being viewed in so it's not so blaringly obvious that it's not part of the same site from a visual standpoint. It would also then integrate the site's navigation into the report page so users can navigate where they need to go after viewing the report without having to hit the 'back' button on the browser. My current work-around is to link to the reports with a "_blank" target so that at least it opens in a seperate tab, but my ideal would be to edit the output from Logicity so that it already just looks like the rest of our site.