TOPIC: Message: Unahndled Exception has occurred???

Message: Unahndled Exception has occurred??? 30 Jul 2012 15:19 #1052

  • Branko
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I have created a schedule but when I go to run the schedule I am getting the following message. Has anyone seen this or can point me in the right direction to fix.

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Re:Message: Unahndled Exception has occurred??? 30 Jul 2012 15:43 #1053

  • sduranceau
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It seems your issue is being caused by the Crystal Reports Runtime not being installed.
To install this, all you need to do is reinstall Logicity, but this time check "Crystal Reports Runtime" in the Select Components section.

I hope this helps!
Last Edit: 30 Jul 2012 15:45 by sduranceau. Reason: Fixed Image
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