We've typically done what you are talking about as a custom app bolted on top of Logicity, but with a litte creativity you can do it with Logicity by itself. What you'd want to do is develop an application or a report that exports out a valid Logicity RRD file and then run the resulting file through Logicity. For example, if I have a customer table that I want to burst out one personalized e-mail per customer, you'd want to output something like this:
EmailReport[Bursted E-mail]=C:\Users\aellis\Desktop\Logicity Weekly Webinar\Report Files\01 - Direct With No Password Needed.rpt? Bill Smith&msg=&export=Adobe Acrobat (PDF)&
EmailReport[Bursted E-mail]=C:\Users\aellis\Desktop\Logicity Weekly Webinar\Report Files\01 - Direct With No Password Needed.rpt? Jan Miller&msg=&export=Adobe Acrobat (PDF)&
...where each of the detail records of your application or report is writing a new EmailReport line. Make sense?