TOPIC: Ideas for how to create a compare report

Ideas for how to create a compare report 13 May 2008 00:29 #189

  • blansinger
  • blansinger's Avatar
What I am trying to do is to create a report that will look at another autmatically exported report (called out monthly snapshot) in excel format.

I need to evaluate a specific record field has changed. IE our IT dept needs a monthly deactivation report that shows who was removed from staff. That would mean their current staff field would change form Y to N. I need to create a report that looks at the snapshot report tha logicity exports 1 time a month & compare it to the current values in our database. However everytme I ask crystal to look at the excel sheet & the current values via SQL crystal throws an error & wont run.

Any odeas on how I could use logicity to get this data out still using crystal on a monthly basis?

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Re:Ideas for how to create a compare report 13 May 2008 01:04 #190

  • aellis
  • aellis's Avatar

Working with mixed data sources can be kinda tricky sometimes. If you write a report based solely on the Excel output it probably works fine, right? What I'd do is use Excel on your main report and then use your database connection as a subreport so that you don't need to do any linking (that is the thing Crystal doesn't seem to handle well).

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